For hundreds of years, construction experts have driven deep foundations into the earth in an attempt to secure the structural integrity of their buildings using a method we call piling or mini piling. Piling is essential for the stability of most structures, and it works well with homes, commercial buildings, bridges, and almost every other construction project. Most people do not have an in-depth understanding of piling, and that is why the information on this page is critical. This post will explain everything you need to know about piling and mini piling today.
What is Piling?
Piling is a technique that experts use to secure a building when the soil and ground underneath do not perform as expected. Piles are a cost-effective approach to dealing with subsidence issues, and they extend the working life of any structure. Piling is the process of driving piles into the ground to combat erosion and limit the chances a building will suffer any ill effects. The last thing any property owner wants is to discover their house or building is leaning to one side. It will become dangerous, and the structure will never sell.
What are the best materials for piles?
Materials piling contractors use will differ based on the application. However, the piles are usually made from wood, metal, concrete, or steel. Specialists drive the piles into the ground using hammering techniques, and that helps to strengthen any structure. Within the practice of piling, there are two variations. Replacement piles are put into holes created naturally in the earth to plug the gaps. Displacement piles are driven into the ground which displaces any soil, hence the name.
How do you use the piles?
Foundations that use piles bear heavy loads, and so it’s essential they stand even distances apart to ensure they spread the weight over the most significant area possible. That is why piling and mini piling contractors have to take extra care when creating their plans. In most situations, piles assist the foundation of a structure by:
Repairing the foundation
When it comes to foundation repair, piling companies will use hydraulics to drive piles into the ground thus securing and raising the building structure.
Reinforcing the structure
In cases where there is damage to the foundation, underpinning contractors who specialise in piling and mini piling will study the soil and then install piles that defend against potential future problems.
Piling and mini piling are both complex procedures for which you need to employ expert assistance. If you notice subsidence issues or anything that indicates a breach in structural integrity, get in touch with our team at BSB today to discuss your problem and learn more about the help we can offer. No job is too big, and no job is too small. With a wealth of experience in this industry and an excellent track record of success, new clients can rest assured they’re dealing with the best in the business. Don’t let structural issues damage your building and cause thousands of pounds worth of repairs. Call us instead!